
For every positive fundamental there is a negative fundamental. These are the characteristics that make us human and that drive behavior. Positive fundamentals empower us and enhance our abilities while negative fundaments hold us back from reaching our potential!

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Positive Fundamentals in Poker

  1. Awareness: Crucial for reading opponents and understanding the dynamics of each hand. MORE
  2. Perspective: Helps in considering all possible strategies and outcomes, leading to better decision-making. MORE
  3. Objective Thinking and Logic: Essential for calculating odds and making rational decisions rather than emotional ones. MORE
  4. Introspection: Enables players to analyze and improve their strategy. MORE
  5. Resolve and Persistence: Key to overcoming bad beats and the inherent variance in poker. MORE
  6. Gratitude: Helps maintain a positive environment and good sportsmanship, making the game more enjoyable for everyone. MORE
  7. Empathy: Understanding the emotions and motivations of opponents can provide strategic advantages. MORE
  8. Mindfulness: Keeps players focused on the present, preventing tilt. MORE
  9. Learning and Curiosity: Drives improvement by encouraging the study of new strategies and learning from mistakes. MORE
  10. Focus and Concentration: Vital for maintaining strategy and noticing important details over long sessions. MORE
  11. Positivity: Helps maintain a good mental state, encouraging resilience and a constructive approach to the game. MORE
  12. Motivation: Fuels the dedication needed to study, practice, and compete. MORE
  13. Resilience and Courage: Enables players to take calculated risks and bounce back from setbacks. MORE
  14. Integrity: Ensures fairness and builds a respected reputation within the poker community. MORE
  15. Adaptability: Critical for adjusting strategies based on the flow of the game. MORE
  16. Self-Control and Patience: Prevents hasty decisions and helps in waiting for optimal hands and situations. MORE
  17. Compassion and Humility: Encourages a respectful and enjoyable game for all players. MORE
  18. Creativity: Allows for unconventional plays that can surprise and outmaneuver opponents. MORE
  19. Self-Discipline: Essential for maintaining a consistent strategy and study regimen. MORE

Negative Fundamentals in Poker

  1. Ignorance: A lack of understanding of basic strategies and odds can lead to consistent losses. MORE
  2. Narrow-mindedness and Bias: Limit a player's ability to adapt and accept new strategies or perspectives. MORE
  3. External Blame and Denial: Prevents learning from mistakes, attributing failure to bad luck rather than poor decisions. MORE
  4. Capitulation and Quitting: Lead to missed opportunities for comeback or learning. MORE
  5. Entitlement: Can cause frustration and tilt, expecting to win without putting in the effort to improve. MORE
  6. Pessimism and Negativity: Drain energy and motivation and can lead to a defeatist attitude. MORE
  7. Insensitivity: Misses cues from opponents, losing out on valuable information. MORE
  8. Mindlessness and Distraction: Lead to missed details and poor decision-making. MORE
  9. Stagnation and Aversion to Knowledge: Hinder growth and adaptation to evolving strategies. MORE
  10. Fragility and Cowardice: Prevent taking necessary risks or making bold plays. MORE
  11. Deceit and Impulsiveness: While bluffing is part of poker, excessive deceit and impulsiveness can be predictably erratic and ultimately exploitable. MORE
  12. Rigidity: Limits the ability to adjust to the game's dynamics, making a player predictable. MORE
  13. Indifference and Apathy: Undermine the drive to improve or compete seriously. MORE
  14. Arrogance: Can alienate other players and blind one to their own weaknesses. MORE
  15. Recklessness and Impatience: Lead to unnecessary risks and mistakes. MORE